
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Relative pronouns

> Relative pronouns merupakan kata ganti yang menunjuk pada kata benda yang mendahuluinya (antecedent) yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam kalimat. Kata ganti yang digunakan adalah: who, whom, whose, which, dan that. Relative pronouns biasa diletakkan di awal subordinate clause atau anak kalimat yang menunjukkan relasi terhadap keseluruhan kalimat. Lihatlah contoh-contoh ini menunjukkan Relative Clauses terdefinisi dan tidak terdefinisi: example sentences S=subject, O=object, P=possessive notes defining S - The person who phoned me last night is my teacher. - The person that phoned me last night is my teacher. That is preferable - The car which hit me was yellow. - The cars that hit me were yellow. That is preferable O - The person whom I phoned last night is my teacher. - The people who I phoned last night are my teachers. - The person that I phoned last night is my teacher. - The person I phoned last night is my teacher. Whom is correct but very formal. The relative pronoun is optional. - The car which I drive is old. - The car that I drive is old. - The car I drive is old. That is preferable to which. The relative pronoun is optional. P - The student whose phone just rang should stand up. - Students whose parents are wealthy pay extra. - The police are looking for the car whose driver was masked. - The police are looking for the car of which the driver was masked. Of which is usual for things, butwhose is sometimes possible non-defining S - Mrs Pratt, who is very kind, is my teacher. - The car, which was a taxi, exploded. - The cars, which were taxis, exploded. O - Mrs Pratt, whom I like very much, is my teacher. - Mr and Mrs Pratt, who I like very much, are my teachers. Whom is correct but very formal.Who is normal. - The car, which I was driving at the time, suddenly caught fire. P - My brother, whose phone you just heard, is a doctor. - The car, whose driver jumped out just before the accident, was completely destroyed. - The car, the driver of which jumped out just before the accident, was completely destroyed. Of which is usual for things, butwhose is sometimes possible * Tidak semua sumber tata bahasa menghitung "bahwa" sebagai kata ganti relatif. ** Beberapa orang mengklaim bahwa kita tidak dapat menggunakan "bahwa" bagi orang-orang tetapi harus menggunakan "siapa / siapa", tidak ada alasan yang baik untuk klaim seperti itu.

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