
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

surat lamaran

Depok, December 22, 2011

Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Yayasan KPT
Jl. Raya Bumi Sentoda No. 5

Dear Sir/Madam,
Having known about a vacancy advertised on Kompas, December 10, 2011, I am interested in the position of Account Executive (AE).
I am a 26 year old male, graduated from a reputable university, having skill in English, both written and oral and also operating computer. I am a hard worker, able to work in individual and in team.
I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience. I hope my skills can be one of your company's assest. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration and attention.

Sincerely yours,

Asep Catur Putra

Enclosures :
- copy of ID Card
- copy of Final Certificate
- photo
- Curriculum Vitae

Letters of complaint by inserting the correct verb form and appropriate expressions

Letters of complaint by inserting the correct verb form and appropriate expressions

a) I will informing that complaints have been received about dogs dirtving the grounds and ground floor lobby. When I investigated , I discovered that the dogs belong to you. I also finding that they have been frightening the children playing in the estate. In view of this , I am sure you are keep your dogs on a leash when they are out in the grounds. To ensure clean premises, I am grateful if you taken them daily to the public park nearby.

b) When I have to write to you about the noise coming from your flat. Your neighbours has inform me that they have difficulties putting their young childern to bed, and with the examinations coming up, they worried that the older childern will not be able to concentrate.
I have you probably did not realize how sound does travel, particularly when the walls and ceiling are thin. If your children to play in the grounds in the afternoon or suggest to them that confine themselves to less boisterous games in the flat, especially at night.. I have co-operation.

5 tahun kedepan

my name Bayu Brahmatya Gunadarma University student, majoring in Computer Systems and is now stepping 7th semester, when the value is still below average, the density of the class schedule from Monday to Saturday cause I have to get up early. lately I've understood banged on the importance of college for the future, someday we should be successful and useful for the nation, not otherwise become social pariahs. Behind all this parental role is very important for me, he who always support me and pray for this beloved child, parents should our message be sure to always give thanks to Almighty GOD by performing obligatory prayers five times. then start from now we do things in a positive, god willing, the next 5 years I will be successful.